I got fed up with loading a command line MS Test output data (.trx file) into visual studio in order to see the the failed tests and their messages so with the help of a colleague we came up with a simple XSL transformation that turns the output of the MS test session into a piece of text or html. We use the text version to print out a summary, and the html version to show the errors (if any :-)

In order to incorporate it into the command line desktop build I used nxslt2 from xmllab.net. Which takes the trx file, the xsl stylesheet and the output on its command line e.g.

nxslt2.exe  testrun.trx trxformatter.xsl -o testrun.results.htm

The summary stylesheet just outputs how many test found, passed and failed, and the name of the trx file if any did fail (so you can interrogate easily in vs if you want).

   1: <xsl:stylesheet version="2.0"  xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" >

   2:     <xsl:output method="text" />

   3:     <xsl:template match="/">

   4:         Test Results Summary : Codebase: <xsl:value-of select="Tests/TestRun/tests/value/codeBase"/>

   5:         <xsl:if test="(Tests/TestRun/result/executedTestCount - Tests/TestRun/result/passedTestCount) > 0">

   6:             Summary : Failed <xsl:value-of select="Tests/TestRun/result/executedTestCount - Tests/TestRun/result/passedTestCount"/> (Executed [<xsl:value-of select="Tests/TestRun/result/executedTestCount"/>], Found [<xsl:value-of select="Tests/TestRun/result/totalTestCount"/>], Passed [<xsl:value-of select="Tests/TestRun/result/passedTestCount"/>])

   7:             Results : <xsl:value-of select="Tests/TestRun/runConfig/runDeploymentRoot"/>.trx

   8:         </xsl:if> <xsl:if test="(Tests/TestRun/result/executedTestCount - Tests/TestRun/result/passedTestCount) = 0">

   9:             Summary : Passed (Executed [<xsl:value-of select="Tests/TestRun/result/executedTestCount"/>], Found [<xsl:value-of select="Tests/TestRun/result/totalTestCount"/>], Passed [<xsl:value-of select="Tests/TestRun/result/passedTestCount"/>])

  10:         </xsl:if>


  12:     </xsl:template>

  13: </xsl:stylesheet>

and outputs a summary similar to :


The error details stylesheet :

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"

xsl:template match="/">
style type="text/css">
h2 {color: sienna}
p {margin-left: 20px}
.resultsHdrRow { font-face: arial; padding: 5px }
.resultsRow { font-face: arial; padding: 5px }
h2>Test Results</h2>
xsl:for-each select="Tests/TestRun/result">
Tests found: <xsl:value-of select="totalTestCount"/>
Tests executed: <xsl:value-of select="executedTestCount"/>
Tests passed: <xsl:value-of select="passedTestCount"/>
table border="1" width="80%" >
tr class="resultsHdrRow">
th align="left">Test</th>
th align="left">Outcome</th>
xsl:for-each select="Tests/UnitTestResult">
tr valign="top" class="resultsRow">
td width='30%'>
xsl:value-of select="testName"/>
td width='70%'>
Message: <xsl:value-of select="errorInfo/message"/>
Stack: <xsl:value-of select="errorInfo/stackTrace"/>


creates the following HTML output


Note that the test name will of course be yours, and any messages and stack trace will appear in the

I'm aware that you can optimise the xsl but it works for me as is.


View comments

  1. Really nice, i need just the same. Thanks

  2. Looks cool, but the link for nxslt2 download is broken. i have not been able to locate the proper file yet. you may want to see if you can update the link.

  3. Looks cool, but the link for nxslt2 download is broken. i have not been able to locate the proper file yet. you may want to see if you can update the link.


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North Shore, Auckland, New Zealand
I'm a developer from the UK who's been in the biz since the mid 80's. Currently I'm in NZ and am loving my work for Iridium Technology. You can contact me easily on preet...sangha@gmail.com remember to remove the ... in the middle
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